Microenterprise 3% tax on profit is active from 1 january 2011 - Romanian company creation


Starting 2011, the microenterprise tax regime is reinforced. Thus, the entities which meet certain criteria (among which, it should have between 1-9 employees and should record a turnover less than EUR 100,000) may choose to pay a tax of 3% of the revenues instead of 16% corporate income tax. The entities which obtain revenues from banking, insurance and reinsurance, gambling, consultancy and management activities cannot apply this tax regime and will continue to be subject to 16% corporate income tax.

The prices for agricultural land in Romania will double or triple in the next years

Romania has 9,7 million hectares and only 30% are used at this moment. Romania is currently supporting the restructuring of its agricultural industry towards a market economy. Only small changes in land use are expected. Self-sufficiency in cereals is expected to increase, consolidating their net export position. In the livestock sector,

AGRICULTURAL LAND in Romania at 1000 Euro for 1 hectare

AGRARLAND IN RUMANIEN 1000 Euro fur 1 ha
TEREN ARABIL IN ROMANIA 1000 Euro pe hectare
AGRICULTURAL LAND in Romania at 1000 Euro for 1 hectare

We sell agricultural land at 1000 Euro/hectare (ex VAT)
Wir verkaufen agrarland in Rumanien 1000 Euro/hectare (ex mehrwertstuer)
Terenurilor agricole in Romania 1000 Euro pe hectare (VTA nu e inclus)
Wij verkopen landbouwgronden in Roemenie 1000 Euro/hectare (exclusief BTW)

Solar energy potential in Romania

Solar energy potential is given by the average solar energy quantity received in horizontal plane which is estimated at approximately 1,100 kWh/m2 per annum in Romania.

Romania's solar radiation map was drawn up considering the average, multi-annual data registered by the Romanian National Institute for Meteorology and Hydrology, processed and correlated with physical field observations and measurements conducted by specialized institutes. Considering the level of the registered solar energy flow, 5 geographical areas have been identified in Romania.

Biomass energy in Romania

Biogas situation in a larger context

Two main aspects need special attention:
a) energy- renewable energies
b) environment - Kyoto protocol

In 2003 from the total gas need of the EU 49% was based on internal production and 51 % was coming from abroad (manly Russia).
In 2030 the net import of gas will reach as much as 80 % of the total need. This is in fact the basis for the development of the a common energy policy at European

Renewable energy sources in Romania - wind energy

Romania has a wide range of renewable resources: hydro-energy, biomass, solar energy, wind energy and geothermal energy sources. However, they are currently virtually unexploited, except fro hydro-energy which is converted into power both in small and large hydropower plants.

Romanian companies for sale - invest romania - romanian srl

We have several companies for sale that comply with the criteria to ask for structural funds - so gain 1 year or more by buying the shares - the companies are clean - we will do all actions for you and defend your interest as a client

Why invest in Romania?

IR Advantage

Bilateral agreements between Romania and other countries on investments promotion and protection (click here to view);
Bilateral diplomatic relations with 177 out of the 191 UN member states, plus the Holy See, the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Palestinian National Authority;
Member of the UN and other international organizations, like: OSCE, Council of Europe and International Organization of La Francophonie;
Free trade agreements with EU, EFTA countries, CEFTA countries;

Logistics and retail in romania in 2010


Nr. 07/2010 July and August

A special sectorial newsletter edited by : camera imobiliara belgia romania www.cibr.be for more information mail us at cibr@telenet.be

Logistic and industrial investment in romania


1. Is Romania still an interesting country when it comes to logistic and industrial investments? Why yes/or not?

Romania is still an interesting country when it comes to logistic and industrial investments.

Flat tax (16%) and the taxes on the salaries are the main competitive advantages of the Romanian system

First, to start a business in Romania we need to know where is placed the Romanian taxation system in relation to European and world context.

This, because there is a substantial difference between the new Member States and the "the old states”, from UE (Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Estonia etc). In many of the countries that joined the EU in 2004 income tax was reduced lately, Romania passing directly to an income tax cut.

Limited Liability Company (LTD) in Romania - societate cu raspundere limitata (SRL) in Romania

Limited Liability Company (LTD) in Romania - societate cu raspundere limitata (SRL) in Romania

You do not need to travel ! 

You can have your own Rumanian SRL without having to move.

We establish it from Belgium by proxy, which saves you enormous relocation expenses.

EU Subsidies in Romania for EU companies Stuctural Funds

Promotion and funding instruments

Future EU structural and cohesion policy turn three priorty goals: convergence, regional capacity to meet competition  and employment, and european economical cooperation.

Aids and Subsidies in Romania

When it comes to invest in a country such as Romania it is necessary to be informed about the available subsidies, about all the official bodies and the attempt to get as much possible subsidies for our investment project - implantation in Romania.

Each body has its requirements when it comes to be „eligible" for the correspondent subsidy.

There are business travel subsidies in Romania. There are subsidies for opening an office in Romania ... etc. ... etc.

La mejor inversión de producción (de 2 a X veces más alto que el capital inicial) en Rumania

El concepto

La mejor inversión que se puede dar en Rumanía es invertir en terrenos agrícolas y convertirlas en tierras para la construcción.

Las inversiones que se encuentran al principio de la cadena de valores tienen un mayor potencial que las más maduras. Sin embargo, se dice que las primeras poseen un mayor riesgo, aunque esto es solamente verdadero en parte.

Bestes Investment mit hoher Rendite (das 2- bis X - Fache des ursprünglichen Kapitals) in Rumanien

Das Konzept

Die beste Möglichkeit, mit hoher Rendite in Rumänien zu investieren ist ein Investment in bisher ackerbaulich genutztes Land, um es in Bauland zu verwandeln.

Investments ganz früh in der Wertekette besitzen ein viel höheres Potenzial als bereits weiter gereifte Möglichkeiten. Natürlich überlegt man es sich intuitiv, dass solch ein früherer Einstieg auch das höhere Risiko bedeutet. Das stimmt aber nur teilweise.

Roemeense vennootschap oprichten Roemeense firma BV BVBA oprichten

De SRL kan voor 100 procent in buitenlandse handen zijn. Ook de bestuurders mogen van buitenlandse afkomst zijn. Het aantal deelnemers in een SRL is minimaal een en maximaal vijftig. Een enig aandeelhouder mag niet in meer dan één SRL enig aandeelhouder zijn. Ook de eenmanszaak komt als SRL in Roemenië veelvuldig voor. De kapitaalinbreng kan zowel in geld als in natura worden gedaan en bedraagt minimaal 200 lei (ongeveer 50 euro, koers december 2009). De oprichting van een SRL vindt plaats op basis van de statuten.

Best high yield investment (2 to X times the initial capital) in Romania

The concept

The best high yield investment in Romania is investing in agricultural land and convert it to land for Construction.

Investments early in the value chain have a higher ultimate potential than mature opportunities. Intuitively one probably adds that early opportunities also have a higher risk. This is only partly true.

Lead generating by the Belgian Romanian Chamber for more business in 2010

Romania: Lead generating by the Belgian Romanian Chamber might be something for you?

"Lead Management is a term used in general business practice to describe methodologies, systems, and practices designed to generate new potential business clientele, generally operated through a variety of marketing techniques. These processes are designed for business-to-business and direct-to-consumer strategies. Lead management is in many cases a precursor to sales management and customer relationship management. "

Minimis aid for companies: 555/10.08.2009

Development and modernisation of enterprises

One of our founding partners became ambassador for the Vlerick Alumni in Romania

Dear networkers,

Freddy Jacobs one of our founding partners has been nominated as "ambassador for the Vlerick Alumni to Romania". The Vlerick School is a top 10 managementschool in the world. 

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